Saturday, October 29, 2011

Buddy Update: 10/29

We combed Syracuse Circle last nite, with no luck.  I dropped some treats on the sidewalk from there back to our house.

Got a call at 3PM that he was over in the backyard of a house at Citadel Place, across the street from the back entrance to the elementary school.  However, he was not there when he got over there...

Friday, October 28, 2011

New Buddy Sighting!

BUDDY UPDATE: Friday 10/28

Just got a call tonite (10 PM) that he was on Syracuse Circle, which is just down the street from here on our side of Cottage, so he is in the neighborhood. He was on Carnegie until he ran up into Syracuse. Greg was at work and he is checking now, but don't know that he'll be able to get him back in...but this is good news for him to be so close.

Greg just came back to house for leash and hot dogs... The people who called us just saw him go through the back of Syracuse Circle towards the other half of Bucknell St. as it heads toward Cottage.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Discussion Board

Please comment to this post with any updates on your searches and flyer postings! Thanks so much for your help!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Things you can do to help!!!

We need more flyers in areas with recent sightings which include on the east side of Gallows near Amanda Place, Stenhouse Place, Idlywood, on the W&OD trails, and at major intersections. Some other places still to notify are the nursing rehab center at Idlywood, Thoreau Middle, and the Korean Central Presbyterian Church.

Flyers are the reason we keep getting these sightings and know he's out there so they are an important part of finding Buddy.

Here's are links to the flyer in different forms:


Or you can request a copy by email.

Any help is much appreciated!!!! Thank you!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011